Sunday, February 17, 2008

Family Crafts

I have created many personalized crafts for my beloved family.

One Mother's Day project that i LOVE is based on the desire when i am old i want my children and grandchildren and everyone else for that matter to remember me when i was young.

I found pictures of my Mom, her Mom, her Dad's Mom and her Mom's Mom. All the pictures happened to be on their wedding days.

I bought an inexpensive wooden frame, found some discarded matte board, smaller than the matte board construction paper, ribbon, $1.00 Store doilie, wall paper scrap flowers, and black permanent marker.

1. Glue centered construction paper onto matte board.

2. Cut out ovals for the 4 picture spaces ((measurements depend on frame size, judge for yourself what looks even)). Color the inner oval with the black perm marker, thin tipped silver/gold marker.

3. Cut center out of doilie and glue down to the center of matte/construction paper.

4.Write a Bible Verse or poem into the center of the centerless doilie.

5.Place photos in this order: top left Maternal Great Grandmother, bottom left Maternal Grandmother, top right Paternal Great Grandmother, bottom left Mom. Write their first names under their pictures in black then with the thinner tipped silver/gold pen.((On the back of the picture frame write your relatives maiden and married names for geneological purposes)).

6. Decorate with ribbon and wallpaper flowers, how ever you wish.


I've made a version of this for my Dad and Pa-In-Law where the frame is lengthwise with three picture ovals are arranged in a triangle form. The top left Dad's Maternal Grandmother, top right Paternal Grandmother, bottom center Mother.

These are the perfect Mother's Day/heirloom gift.